Monday, February 20, 2017

You've Been Flocked

Image result for you've been flockedA friend of yours has sent this pesky but lovable flock to roost in your yard for two days to help me raise money for the research of endangered whale sharks.  Did you know these gentle giants eat plankton and help us assess the health of our oceans?

But back to flamingos...

These flamingos are very territorial and sometimes aggressive. They should only be removed by my properly trained preschooler.  In order to help our friends move on to greener pastures, please select one of the following...

  1. I appreciate the flock, but I just can't donate right now.
  2. I'd like to make a donation of $___ toward the removal of the pink flamingos.
  3. In addition to my above donation, I'd like to pay $15 to Flock It Forward and have them migrate to:  please provide name, email and address
Please either select an option, write it down and leave it in your flamingo envelop that came with the flock. Or you can email me for paypal options.  Checks can be made out Beth Belk. And you can track my fundraising progress HERE.

Thank you for your sense of humor and support! I'll work with the whale sharks to send you a postcard when I get to the Maldives this summer to help them!


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