Friday, February 17, 2017

Summer Plans

Hello, friends! This summer, I'm very excited to share that I'll be headed to the Maldives for two weeks to volunteer to help with whale shark research. Whale sharks are on the endangered species list and so little is yet known about them - like how long they live, or how long their gestation period is.  I'll spend my days sighting sharks, jumping in the water to help identify and measure them.  There will also be days dedicated to beach clean ups, community outreach teaching kids and families about ocean acidification and climate change, and data entry to better track and understand these animals.  I'm so excited to participate!

The program also comes with a significant fundraising contribution and that's where I hope you will help me! My goal is to raise $2000. It sounds like a lot to me too so we'll see how this goes :)

There are a couple of ways to support me, and thus the Maldives Whale Shark Research Programme by June 1st: (you can comment on this post if you'd like me to follow up with you on one of these options)
  • You can send me a flat donation either via check or Paypal (beler01 at gmail dot com).
  • Inspired by my Tri-athletic friends - I'd love to complete a pledge per pool lap.  I am not the strongest swimmer and the project involves some advanced snorkeling and duck diving skills so there will be a lot of training.  All sponsored swim work outs will be swam with a shark fin to keep with the spirit of things. So, you can either say (for sake of example, amount of $$ is up to you):
    1. Hey Beth, I'll give you a quarter for every length you finish by June 1st. Or...
    2. Hey Beth, I'll give you 50 bucks as soon as you finish 50 laps.
  • I'll be selling homemade paper crafts to raise money - birthday and other occasion banners and cards.  I'll have some examples soon to share with people.  I can really make anything so just let me know if you have a fun themed birthday coming up for a little one...or big one.
  • I'll also have a little covert pranking for charity going on locally.  Let me know if you're interested in a sillier way to support my cause ;)
As many of you know, this first half of 2017 is pretty crazy for our family while Dom is away pursuing his dream job and we wait to find out just where we'll be heading in June. I am so excited to have this opportunity to steal away for a few weeks over the summer to pursue something important to me - just after we settle into our new home town and just before I leave the hardest but best job I've ever had as a stay-at-home-mom for a "real" job.

Plus, Lucca dedicated last summer to learning about endangered polar bears. He's so excited that Mommy is helping animals this summer, too!

Thank you all for your love and support. It's going to be a whale of a time! (You know I just couldn't help myself.)

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